Tech Care | Season 2 Episode 1 : Jane Brightman - Two hearts and one mission!

Interview with Jane Brightman

New season, new stories but the same passion and love for social care and technology. Teach Care Season 2 is here…

Jane Brightman is our first guest of Season 2! 

Jane has 2 hearts, a green heart and a blue heart, social care and the NHS. Jane is a social care lifer having spent her whole career in the sector. She fell in love with the sector when she was 14 years old. That love remains and has grown even stronger. 

Currently, she is the Assistant Director of Programmes at the NHS England. Helping Care providers to become more digital and to have a smooth transition from paper to digital. Jane was the initiator of ‘Outstanding Managers Network’ which just reached 7000 members. She also co-founded the ‘Social Care Innovators Network’ almost 2 years ago.
