Tech Care | Episode 9 : Martin Green - Tech only matter if they benefit individuals

Interview with Martin Green

Professor Green joins us for our 9th episode!

Professor Green is the Care England Chief Executive since 2005. He is certainly impressive, so we may have let him off the hook too easily. Experienced, knowledgeable and ambitious on behalf of the entire sector.

We talk to him about Care Home Open Week and what it means to Care Homes and society in general to bridge the gap between those that know ‘care’ and those that don’t. Professor Green talks about the current workforce crisis, and how technologies and innovation can help better circumstances for care companies, and more importantly secure the best possible outcomes for their residents.

When Sangha asks Professor Green about the importance of data throughout the pandemic, he shares how he considers the operational side of the business, being efficient and on top of things. Interestingly, the Professor highlights the co-creation between suppliers and buyers as a road to be explored even more.
