For the first year, Sustainability within adult social care is not be inspected, however time is ticking, and the CQC will soon be knocking on providers doors and asking for evidence, so we need to get prepared!
This is the third part of a four-part series aimed at upskilling managers and providers. This guide is to support providers to improve their CQC rating from Requires Improvement back to Good.
There are not many guides that tackle and support providers to improve their CQC rating from Requires Improvement back to Good. This is the first part of a four-part series aimed at upskilling managers and providers.
What mechanisms and tools can be put into place to ensure that compliance remains regardless of supervisor monitoring it remotely.
Home care staff are lone working and audits are vital to ensure a safe and effective service. Domiciliary audits are a key part of the quality assurance, ensuring that care and tasks are being carried out in line with standards expected.
Care home audits are a key part of quality assurance, ensuring that care and tasks are being carried out in line with standards expected, understand what is going well and where there can be improvements.
In this blog let's look at the key aspects of the new Single Assessment Framework and how critical feedback plays a role.
Looking beyond social care audit practice to ideas from other industries to drive our approach in the right direction.
We are in a digital era which is combined by how we judge services and companies based on our interactions. AI-powered chatbots and Virtual Assistants have become the face of so many companies, playing a pivotal role in engagement strategies.
This blog attempts to highlight just how valuable data really is for any Care business. Mark shares first hand experience on the benefits of data, intertwined of course with the adoption of smart technology.