Tech Care | Season 2 Episode 2 : Donald Macaskill - An Advocate and a Dreamer

Interview with Donald Macaskill 

We are joined by Donald Macaskill for the 2nd episode of season 2!

It’s fair to say that Donald Macaskill is an icon in the sector. Donald has been the CEO of Scottish Care since 2016 but his story with social care started earlier than that. Having been a consultant in the sector since 2003, Donald knows the sector inside out.

Donald played a crucial part in launching the “Human Rights Charter for Technology and Digital in Social Care” and a year later “A Vision for Technology and Digital in Social Care”.

Technology is a big conversation in the sector. Is it an enabler of better and more personal care? That’s the ideal but what about the drawbacks technology might bring? How it effects individual’s human rights?

It’s an important conversation to have and a nuanced perspective is needed. No silver bullets or quick fixes. Tune in to hear Donald’s thoughts on the Buurtzorg model, how society sees older age, and and how data can help change lives.

Donald’s weekly blog: 

Human Rights Charter for Technology and Digital in Social Care: 

A Vision for Technology and Digital in Social Care: 

The Buurtzorg model: 
